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Newsletter Archive

One person who makes the craft hot sauce community tighter is Smokin' Ed Currie of Puckerputt Pepper Company, or as Brian Caudle calls him, “The MJ of the pepper world!” Ed, creator of the Carolina Reaper (the hottest pepper in the world), got some recognition from our contributors this month.
Did you check out our latest podcast with Disco Hot Sauce from Southeast London? They talked about planning the first London hot sauce festival this coming April, the growing hot sauce scene in London, and their plans outlined in their kickstarter, which only has six days left! Check it out on The Craft Hot Sauce Podcast.
Hi there, I wanted to share our latest and one of our favorite craft hot sauce profiles yet. The profile is done by Scott Zalkind by Lucky Dog Hot Sauce out of Hayward, California. I started getting involved in the hot sauce community in 2014, and I came to learn a lot about hot sauces, business, marketing...
Hi there, Happy New Year! I'm writing this from Boston where we just got 12+ inches of snow, and I'll be keeping busy inside today by making a batch of Tropical Hot Sauce. I hope you try out this recipe and experiment with your own alterations...
Hi there, Happy May Day! It was a fun month for Craft Hot Sauce, and I hope it was the same for you too!We started the month talking to Kyle Colson of Hella Hot Hot Sauce out of Campbell, California on our podcast. We talked about his unique sauces, names, art, and ways to market. If you need some inspiration, I highly suggest listening to it! You can listen to the podcast below.
Hi there, Happy New Year! We hope you had a great holiday season, full of festivities, rest, delicious food, and especially good hot sauce. Some of you may have been following CraftHotSauce for the entire year, others may have found out about us last month, but regardless, we hope you have enjoyed our content...


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