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Newsletter Archive

Hey there, It's Brian from Craft Hot Sauce and Craic Sauce here with our first newsletter of 2021. I hope you had a relaxing holiday, but we're turning up the temp with some new hot sauces and updates! From farm, to ferment, to fire in your mouth! Kitchen Garden Farm & Fraktured Sauces harvest peppers and so much more!
There’s nothing quite like the vibrant colors of freshly harvested peppers glistening out in the sun. A pepper harvest tradition that started with 150 habanero and ghost peppers in my parent's garden in 2014 has steadily evolved into over 900 pounds of locally harvested organic peppers in 2020. 
What's up, Are you up for a little challenge this month? I’ve been seeing all these chili harvest photos down under and thought it would be cool to see what our Craft Hot Sauce followers come up with. So here’s the challenge! Go out and cook up a new or different batch of hot sauce...
