Hope you’re getting out there and enjoying the warmer weather, and maybe even checking out some local hot sauce makers at farmer's markets in your area. Last month, we hadJay Turner from Burns & McCoyon the Craft Hot Sauce podcast. Jay makes one of the hottest all-natural hot sauces, Exhoresco, as well as one of my favorite unique hot sauces, White Lightning.
You could almost say January was the month of Sriracha, as we had two Craft Hot Sauce maker stories on purely Sriracha-based companies. Both Jojo's Sriracha and Kitchen Garden Farm are progressive leaders in the small-batch Sriracha area, and it's great to see they are both organic and Non-GMO. We also had Red Hawk Premium Pepper from Pennsylvania featured.
Hi there, Thanks for your interest in Craft Hot Sauce, and I hope you're enjoying some of the content we've been sharing lately. In September, we got a look at four new craft hot sauces spanning three different continents, and a whole lot more chiliheads joined our ranks. In the next couple of months...