Hey there! Pepper harvest season is officially underway. I love seeing the combination of the vibrant colors of peppers and fresh produce that eventually blend together, creating a fresh homemade hot sauce. For many, the idea of creating their own hot sauce is planted in their mind during harvest season.
Wow, what an emotional last few months. These feelings have been difficult to put into words, but we must embrace our loved ones and speak out against hate.
Upon reflection, there have been too many times in my life where I have been quiet on the sidelines, disagreeing with actions but not standing up for the victims right then when they needed it most. I promise that the next time I see someone in need, I will stand up for them, and I also urge you to take action towards creating a more inclusive world, free of racism.
Hey there, It’s a stressful and uncertain time, and I hope you’re staying safe. Today we're going to keep it 100% craft hot sauce and share some stories and articles to change the pace 😀 This month I wanted to start off with the datil pepper! Have you heard of it?
I encountered a tricky little situation during a hot sauce cook one January Sunday morning in our commercial kitchen in Lowell, which gave me some perspective on failure and growth. My co-cook Ben and I were making a 5 gallon batch of 40 Shades of Green Chilli, a sauce I’ve made 20 times before.
Hi there, Hope you're having an awesome summer! Mine's been busy, but I'm looking forward to taking a vacation next week. I have an authentic mole sauce recipe from Cassandra of The Bomb Noms on my "to-cook" list for my vacation...