Hi there,
Thanks for your interest in Craft Hot Sauce, and I hope you're enjoying some of the content we've been sharing lately. In September, we got a look at four new craft hot sauces spanning three different continents, and a whole lot more chiliheads joined our ranks.
In the next couple of months, we’ve got some big plans. Coming soon: The Craft Hot Sauce Podcast! In the first two episodes, we’ll be taking a closer look at a couple great hot sauce companies operating out of Berlin, Germany -- Crazy Bastard Hot Sauce and Pika Pika. These two companies are great examples of the widespread passion and creativity that’s happening in the hot sauce industry. In the meantime, keep an eye out, as we’ll be putting up more profiles and blog posts on the website and on Facebook.
But before any of that, I’d like to take a moment to share with you a couple insights I’ve picked up from interviewing a few dozen independent small-batch hot sauce companies -- The first is that the craft hot sauce industry is booming with creativity and innovation. It’s incredible how many amazing new hot sauces are being created each month. Some makers are refining old-school techniques, others are exploring new territory, and many others are creating new unique combinations. The other thing I’ve noticed is that the chilihead community is a passionate, diverse, and collaborative group. Everyone is in it for the sauce. I’ve been getting loads of messages every day from chiliheads, tasters, and makers alike who want to know more about the many interesting and delicious sauces that are out on the market.
It’s my sense that many of these great small-batch producers are largely undiscovered, so if you or someone you know is making some tasty stuff, please let us know -- we all want to know about you! I’ve had nothing but great things to say about people in the industry that I’ve connected with so far, but it’s the sauce I’ve tasted that does the real talking.
With that, I have one small request: take a moment to invite anyone that is a hot sauce lover or that is behind the local or craft movement to like ourfacebook page, and if you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me at brian@crafthotsauce.com.
Y'all are the best! Happy October and talk to you soon.

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