Hi all!
For all those in the states, I hope you had a filling and delicious Thanksgiving, and for the rest of you, I hope you had a great month. It was a fun month at Craft Hot Sauce.
It began with me talking to Fabian Rueda of the Berlin Hot Sauce company Pika Pika. Together we recorded thesecond Craft Hot Sauce Podcast episode. We talked about Fabian’s beginnings in hot sauce, living in Berlin, crowdfunding as a go-to market strategy, and a few interesting ingredients in Pika Pika's hot sauce which come from Fabian's Venezuelan roots. You can listen to the 30-minute podcast episode on our website by clickingthis link.
We had 3 new Craft Hot Sauce Profiles in November.CapsUP Paprika und Chiliprodukte is our first Austrian Hot Sauce company featured on CHS.Jak Jeckel Pepper Sauce is a Hot Sauce company from Philadelphia that has been around for a few years now. We also had a profile from the new pepper sauce company Hoff & Pepper, located in Tennessee.
After working closely with dozens of Craft Hot Sauce companies, speaking with chiliheads around the world, and doing lots of research on the hot sauce industry, we came out with the blog post10 Reasons Why You Should Choose Craft Hot Sauce.
Thanks for reading, and have a fantastic holiday season!

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