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Peppers in autumn and hot sauce in the office - November 2019

Hi there,

Happy Day of the Dead and All Saints’ Day! I’m writing this from a festive New Orleans where I've been partaking in the Halloween celebrations this week. I actually can't believe I got this email out on time! 


Did you have a chance to listen to our latest podcast with Mikey Vee? It was one of my favorite interviews and it’s packed with a lot of knowledge about cooking and hot sauce. You can check out the episode below or search Craft Hot Sauce Podcast on your favorite podcast player. 



Mikey V’s Hot Sauce will be featured in our Craft Hot Sauce Club alongside Fraktured Sauces. Fraktured is a seed-to-sauce company, meaning they grow their own peppers and make the sauce from what they produce at their farm. Be sure to check out their craft hot sauce profile below!


You may or may not know that Craft Hot Sauce doesn’t pay the bills, so I have an office job. I was poking fun at some coworkers and broke down the different types of hot sauce people in my workplace. I'm curious what persona you most identify with, but check out the article and let me know which persona fits you best!


Before I go, I wanted to give you a heads up about this month’s premium Craft Hot Sauce Club. It’s great for a holiday gift, for the workplace, and obviously for yourself. We have some awesome sauces from Mikey V’s and Fraktured, so it's a great month to join if you haven't tried it before. 


Craic Sauce just got selected as a vendor for the NYC Hot Sauce lottery, so I gotta get to work and cook up some sauce! But have a great weekend, and thanks for reading! 




Mikey V's Foods Image, with Mikey Vee and His Wife

This podcast is packed with cooking tips and advice from Mikey. They are located in the Austin area and have an award-winning line of hot sauces and salsa. 

Fraktured Hot Sauce Group Photo

Fraktured Sauce Profile

Fiona and Cheyne from Fraktured Sauce shared their craft hot sauce profile revealing more about their farm in Northern PA and their fermented hot sauces.

Brian and His Coworkers in the Office, Holding Up Hot Sauce Bottles

Type of hot sauce personas in your office

Do you work in an office? I do, and after evaluating the different preferences and tendencies of my coworkers with hot sauce, I broke down the different types of hot sauce people in your office. 

Line of BS Hot Sauces

BS Hot Sauce CHS Profile

A hot sauce that was started on Halloween! 🎃

"It all started on Halloween in 2015 when we bought a lot of jalapeños for a recipe to make bacon-wrapped stuffed poppers. Instead of letting the jalapeños go to waste, we created our Jalapeño Lime hot sauce, which is the same recipe we use today"

Colored Image of Orange-Red Peppers

Help! I'm drowning in hot sauce!

I identified with the author while reading this article about having a great harvest season with peppers that did not stop growing! I hope you had a chance to make at least a few batches of hot sauce with fresh local produce!

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