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Maker Stories

Normally the Craft Hot Sauce Podcast interviews hot sauce makers all over the world. This episode is more of a riff from Brian the host about some of the things his hot sauce company Craic Sauce got up this summer.

Laura and Jared of Poor Devil Pepper Company share their journey with starting their fermented hot sauce company, collaborating with artists, sourcing from local farmers, and their zero waste approach.
Our hot sauce journey was long in the making. The Geverd family had been playing with hot sauce recipes for a few years with the idea of someday producing commercially. The stars aligned when the family bought an old German farmhouse that came with a sizable acreage that had been used for conventional ag. Around the same time Cheyne Geverd made a decision to pivot his career from doing geological work for oil companies overseas to being a farmer. He took seasonal jobs with local produce farms to learn the skills, and at one of these farms met Fiona Palumbo, his eventual partner, whose background also included cooking and (very small scale) hot sauce making.
Chef Nino is a chef, farmer, and entrepreneur in Zimbabwe. Nino comes from a farming background and has founded AGRIOLA, which works with rural farmers by providing them with seeds, drip kits, and resources to farm.
