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Maker Stories

Debra Sandler is a doer. She is a perfect example of someone with high ambitions who has never forgotten her family and her roots. With over 30 years of experience in corporate America, she has now turned her focus to Bazodee, a Caribbean-inspired, natural, family-driven line of pepper sauces and marinades.
It all started on Halloween in 2015 when we bought a lot of jalapeños for a recipe to make bacon-wrapped stuffed poppers. Instead of letting the jalapeños go to waste, we created our Jalapeño Lime hot sauce, which is the same recipe we use today.
My first memories of being introduced to hot and spicy food came around the young age of 6 years old, where my parents would pack the family car and head off to upstate NY farms to pick fresh vegetables, which included hot peppers.
Rowan University President Ali Houshmand has planted his hot peppers, with help from students, volunteers and alumni. Like last year, he will spend time each early morning, watering, weeding and otherwise tending the produce. He’s willing to do a lot for his students, including raising money for scholarships.
After continuous times out at restaurants and being sick of Tabasco being the only choice when eating out, or having to bring an artesian sauce with him, Ed decided to make his own hot sauce.
It was a great experience growing up next to my grandfather. As a young boy, I was taught how to grow all kinds of vegetables, trees, roses, and fruit. He was a great gardener from Italy, and I tried to follow in his footsteps.
I have been experimenting with hot sauce for about 15 years, but it wasn't until I received a hot sauce kit in a grab bag during a holiday party that I really started to develop my recipe. I was tired of the hot sauces that were available and wanted to create something with a lot of spice, but that also used quality ingredients like Apple Cider Vinegar, cumin and cocoa powder.
  • 2 min read
Caldo Hot Sauce is a New Jersey based craft hot sauce company with giving back at the forefront of their mission. They donate at least $1 of every bottle of hot sauce sold to either World Vision Micro, Urban Impact, or Elijah's Promise.
