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Single Source Series

A sustainable and local partnership between three farms and a value-added producer

Craic Sauce (Lowell, MA) works with Clark Farm (Carlisle, MA), Farmer Dave's (Dracut, MA) and Hutchins Farm (Concord, MA) to limit local food waste and create bold new complex flavors.

New Single-Source Hot Sauces Unveiled: A Unique Collaboration between Farms and Value-Added Food Producers

April 23, 2024 - In an innovative collaboration between local farms and a value-added food producer, Craic Sauce (Lowell, MA) is proud to announce the creation and release of three distinct single-source hot sauces with Clark Farm (Carlisle, MA),  Farmer Dave's (Dracut, MA), and Hutchins Farm (Concord, MA) in anticipation for the Boston Hot Sauce Festival. This partnership not only celebrates the bounty of local farms, but demonstrates an avenue for value-added food producers to create unique products from farm-fresh ingredients that might otherwise go unused.

Often, farms find themselves with surplus produce at the end of their season. But by joining forces with value-added food producers like Craic Sauce, surplus crops can be transformed into something that benefits farmers, producers, and consumers.

Craic Sauce has introduced a novel approach of fermenting vegetables and pressing fruits such as apples and husk cherries sourced directly from these local farms to craft their own apple cider vinegar. These fermented vegetables and handmade vinegars are key ingredients in all of these limited-edition hot sauces, ensuring each sauce carries their own terrior and distinct flavor profile.

The three hot sauces will make their debut at various Earth Day events during the week of April 22nd, followed by being prominently featured and available for purchase at the highly anticipated Boston Hot Sauce Expo on April 27th and 28th.

"MA is one of the leading states in direct farm to consumer sales. The next evolution in our sustainable economy is value added processing locally produced crops. Craic Sauce is at the forefront of this trend." said Andrew Rogers, Farm Manager at Clark Farm. 

Each sauce features a distinct flavor profile and unique ingredients for hot sauces like squash, black garlic and radish. Whether you're a fan of bold heat or prefer a milder option with subtle fruity notes, there's something for everyone to enjoy.

For more information about the release of these exciting new hot sauces or to inquire about partnership opportunities, please contact Brian Ruhlmann. 

Craic Sauce is dedicated to fostering sustainable partnerships that benefit both local farms and value-added food producers while delighting consumers with unique and flavorful products.

About Craic Sauce:

Craic Sauce is a Lowell-based value-added food producer committed to crafting high-quality, artisanal sauces using locally sourced ingredients. With a passion for big flavor and sourcing locally and seasonally, we strive to create innovative products that are made to elevate flavor in any meal. 

Contact Information:

Brian Ruhlmann

Owner & Cook

Craic Sauce

(978) 505-8173

Follow us on Instagram @CraicSauce for updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses into our culinary creations!

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