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Hotter Than El - Reaper's Revenge

About the Sauce: Hotter Than El's Reaper's Revenge is a full bodied Reaper sauce for people that like the burn. The tomato, carrot, onion case helps bring out more of the beautiful flavor of the reaper. 

Uses: For serious super hot hot sauce lovers this is a great sauce to add to meals like veggie stir fry, pho, or curry. 

Heat:Super Hot

Ingredients:Diced tomatoes, Distilled Vinegar, Carrots, Onions, Reaper Peppers, Garlic, Salt, Red Thai Curry Powder, Allspice, Cumin. 

Size: 5 oz. Bottle


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Hotter Than El's Story

Hotter Than El has been making hot sauces for over 15 years. Before Dino, the founder, decided to take the plunge and start his own business, he was making delicious hot sauces for family and friends. People loved his sauces, so Dino decided to sell them commercially! 

The Hotter Than El team prides themselves on not just making HOT hot sauces, but sauces with flavor and zest to back up the heat. Hotter Than El sauces are packed with flavor, and they are sure to satisfy the taste buds of any hot sauce aficionado. Try a bottle of the Hotter Than El Ghost Sauce (featured on Brian’s picks) or any of the other Hotter Than El hot sauces, and you certainly won't be disappointed.


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